There are over 800 emoji characters which can be found on multiple platforms in mobile and also on desktop. They have been used to show emotions, man-made and natural features but although it seems on face value they are “exhaustive”, there are some notable misses. Some of these notable misses include the bacon emoji (how did they forget this in the first place?), selfie emoji and for a beloved fruit, the avocado emoji.
The Unicode Consortium’s Technical Committee accepted a list of 67 emojis that are yet to be considered to be added in the next Unicode release (version 9.0) which is slated for next year June 2016. Other notable emoji candidates other than the ones mentioned before include rolling on the floor laughing, sneezing face, facepalm, bat, stuffed flatbread, clinking glasses, spoon and goal net.
Previously, the Unicode Consortium added other emojis to the already burgeoning list of emojis. It included some that were popularly requested like the popcorn emoji, bottle with a popping cork and the hotdog emojis. Others include mosque, nerd face and the rolling eyes emoji.
Emojis were developed in 1998 in Japan, they started becoming popular thanks to the iPhone and later adoption by Android. The emoji craze has made people to come up with different ways to use them like using them in press releases, as passwords, in an all emoji movie and also as a basis for aprogramming language. Instagrammed banned certain emojis and Twitter is using them with hashtags where they are even considering to monetize them
Read On Web → The Elusive Bacon Emoji Is Coming Afterall, Avocado and Selfie too